• Exhibition duration: 30 days (Nov. 24th – Dez. 23rd, 2023)
  • Open: Wed. – Fri. 2 – 6 p.m., Sat. 12 – 4 p.m.
  • Per participant:in:
    1 artwork S (incl. framing the longest side max. 60cm) or 1 artwork M (incl. framing the longest side max. 100cm) or 1 artwork L (incl. framing the longest side max. 120cm)
  • Sold artworks can be replaced with new ones (same size or smaller) during the exhibition.
  • Participation fee:
    119 € (S) or 149 € (M) resp. 189 € (L) (incl. 19% VAT)
  • The costs for flyers/posters and public relations are included in the participation fee.
  • In case of sale we charge a commission of 25% of the sales price.

What we need from you if you want to participate:

Please send us your application by e-mail with the following information:

In the email subject line:

Winter Special Show

In the text field of the e-mail:

  • Title of the exhibition: Winter Special Show
  • Name:
  • Artist Name:
  • Address (street, house number, postal code, city):
  • E-mail address:
  • Phone no.:
  • Website (if available):
  • Instagram Name (if available):

About the artworks:

Please send us photos of your artworks you would like to exhibit in the same email via WeTransfer link.

Requirements: RGB, JPG format, 800 px (the longest side) at 72 dpi.

The file names must be as follows: Surname_Firstname_1.jpg

Please state this in the mail:

  • Title:
  • Year of origin:
  • Dimensions (WxHxD cm incl. framing, if any):
  • Weight:
  • Technique:
  • Price (gross sales price):
Attention: Only completely filled out applications will be processed!

Send application to: submissions@thestagegallery.com

We are very much looking forward to seeing you and your art.

Kind regards

The Stage Gallery

With the application, the exhibition conditions below are deemed to be accepted.

exhibition conditions

1. You are the sole author and creator of the works/photos.

2. The works/photos do not infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties, do not infringe the personal rights of third parties, do not contain trademarks of third parties and do not violate other laws.

3. Any person depicted in the works/photos has given you permission to do so.

4. All participants agree to indemnify „The Stage Gallery“ in full against all royalties, fees and other financial obligations to any person arising from any breach of the foregoing.

5. Royalties in the works shall not be assigned to „The Stage Gallery“ at any time. The copyright in the works shall remain with the authors and only with them.

6. The copyright of the works/photographs during and after the exhibition remains with the artists.

7. All photographs used by The Stage Gallery will be clearly labelled with the name of the photographer. If this has been overlooked, it will be corrected immediately upon mention.

8. All participants agree that all photographs submitted may be used by „The Stage Gallery“ for publicity purposes.

9. Artists grant „The Stage Gallery“ the right to use their images to promote the exhibition, for display on „The Stage Gallery“ website and for inclusion in an exhibition catalogue.

10. „The Stage Gallery“ may use all entries submitted for marketing and promotional purposes in any media, with no financial compensation.

11. The artist is responsible for the punctual/timely delivery and collection of his/her artwork. The Stage Gallery will not cover any costs for transport and possible fees for import or customs. Artworks delivered after the respective specified delivery date can no longer be accepted. A storage fee of EUR 5,00 per day or part thereof will be charged for exhibits that are not collected by the respective specified date.

12. The presentation of the works is the responsibility of the gallery team, whose decision is final.

13. The artworks are not insured against damage and theft during the exhibition!

14. Written registration by e-mail obliges to participate. A refund of the participation fee is excluded.

Final provisions:

By registering, the participant accepts the exhibition conditions. The place of performance and jurisdiction for all services and obligations relating to the exhibition of „The Stage Gallery“ is Bonn.

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